Event Coverage

Watch: Highlights video from the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum- The Investment Case

Private sector investment in landscapes is no passing fad- it’s here to stay. That was the driving consensus among the 300+ participants at this year's Forum.
The 2nd edition of the GLF: The Investment Case built upon the momentum of last year’s success. Credit: CIFOR

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The Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case in London on 6 June 2016 brought together more than 300 experts from the financial services industry with leaders from the corporate sector, government and academia to take investments into sustainable landscapes to the next level.

Attendees, including CIFOR Director General Peter Holmgren, World Bank Lead Environmental Economist Paola Agostini and Tropical Forest Alliance Director Marco Albani, spoke about the importance of connecting finance and sustainable landscapes at the Forum.

Watch the highlights video below:

For more information on this topic, please contact Leona Liu at l.liu@cgiar.org.
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