Event Coverage

The “COP for forests”: A summary of the Warsaw decisions

A package of seven decisions termed “The Warsaw Framework” now completes the Cancun agreements on REDD+.
This year’s UN climate negotiations were dramatic but fruitful for forests.

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At a glance:

  • Mitigation: “REDD+ package” of 7 decisions on finance, institutions and methodologies
  • Adaptation: Funds pledged, support for vulnerable communities
  • 2015 climate agreement: An agreement to submit pledges in the first half of 2015

Emotional monologues, huddles, then a mass exodus – this year’s UN climate negotiations were dramatic but fruitful for forests, experts say, with a framework for REDD+, support for communities adapting to climate change, and a tentative plan for the successor to the Kyoto protocol all pushed through in the final hours.

“Despite slow progress in many other parts of the UN climate agenda in Warsaw, there was real progress in overarching decisions pertaining to forests,” said Louis Verchot, research director at the Center for International Forestry Research.

“REDD+ was once again the bright spot in the negotiations. And with the large number of agreements that were finalized, Warsaw is likely to be remembered as the REDD+ COP,” he said.

A package of seven decisions – termed “The Warsaw Framework” — on the UN-backed scheme aiming to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) now completes the Cancun agreements on REDD+. There was also progress on an international mechanism to offer vulnerable populations protection against loss and damage caused by extreme weather events, and the integration of different land use emissions in the 2015 Paris agreement.

Area Our pre-COP19 analyses (see here) What actually happened References
Finance and markets No decision expected Decision on REDD+ results-based finance & coordination of finance. Non market mechanisms pushed to 2014 Decision on results based financeDecision on coordination of finance
Adaptation No decision expected Decision to continue and enhance support to non-Annex 1, least developed countries and small island developing states as part of the Nairobi work programme. $100bn pledged to adaptation fund, loss and damage mechanism created Decision on Nairobi work programmeAdaptation fund announcement

Decision on loss and damage associated with climate change impacts

Verification of emissions Decision expected Text approved Decision on MRV modalities
Technical assessment of FRELs/FRLs Decision expected Text approved Decision on FRELs
National forest monitoring systems Decision expected Text approved Decision on forest monitoring
REDD+ safeguards Decision expected Text approved Decision on safeguards
Drivers of deforestation Decision expected Text approved Decision on drivers
Agriculture No decision expected No decision Serious about climate change? Talk about agriculture by Bruce Campbell, CCAFS
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