
One of Indonesia’s top REDD+ experts discusses logging moratorium progress

Indonesia should continue to improve forest governance if the logging moratorium is to have a significant impact.

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BOGOR, Indonesia (25 May 2012)_Indonesia’s moratorium on new logging concessions has helped to improve forest governance and seal an agreement between different government agencies to work together to reduce deforestation, said Heru Prasetyo, member of the Presidential REDD+ Task Force.

“In the past, the Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture and land [mapping] agencies are not working together. For the case of updating of the moratorium map, we need to work together and actually the improvement was beyond my expectation,” he said.

Indonesia imposed a two-year moratorium on granting new logging concessions last May under a $1 billion climate deal with Norway aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation. Prasetyo, who is also Deputy for Planning at the President’s Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight, discusses what he hopes the moratorium will have achieved at the end of the two years in this exclusive interview with CIFOR.

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