284 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
- 17 May 2016
Glaring gap: Countries are overlooking how the private sector can help meet national climate goals
As the Bonn Conference gets underway this week (May 16-26), here's a review of seven Asian countries’ plans to finance climate mitigation through land use.
- 5 May 2016
Assessing quality in impact-oriented research
What are appropriate principles and criteria for defining and assessing transdisciplinary research quality?
- 4 May 2016
Bridging gender theory and practice in environmental policy
Reflections on how far gender scholarship has evolved, and how to further broaden its application
- 23 Apr 2016
Paris Agreement signed. Now what?
Here’s what to consider as the global climate agreement set in motion at the COP21 in Paris moves towards implementation.
- 23 Apr 2016
Paris Agreement signed. Now what?
- 16 Apr 2016
America’s legacy in its second term as facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership
As leadership transfers from the US to the EU, what lies ahead for the Congo Basin Forest Partnership?
- 5 Apr 2016
Could timber plantations boost forest conservation?
The benefits may extend well beyond increased production.
- 24 Mar 2016
How deforestation is tangled up in the law
Unraveling the complex web of legal arrangements in tropical forest countries reveals some of the forces shaping land use.
- 24 Mar 2016
How deforestation is tangled up in the law
- 17 Mar 2016
Why ‘zero deforestation’ is only one piece of the sustainability puzzle
Lessons from the Brazilian Amazon show it’s important to shift toward more sustainable land uses and look for ways to intensify beef production.
- 18 Feb 2016
Loud and clear: Paris Agreement signals need to protect ecosystems and human rights
Valuing rights and ecosystems gives the Paris Agreement a holistic perspective, one that we need if we are to avoid “wrong” climate actions.
- 7 Jan 2016
Zero deforestation in Indonesia: Pledges, politics and palm oil
Corporations and government share the goal of sustainable economic development but each faces its own challenges – so which rules should apply?
- 28 Dec 2015
“We” have a deal
The disappointing gender aspects of the Paris Agreement can be balanced by feeding evidence and experience into policy.
- 28 Dec 2015
“We” have a deal
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