The Congo Basin: The State of the Forest
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21 Nov 2012
YAOUNDE, Cameroon (14 November, 2012)_New research shows rural communities in Cameroon rely heavily on forests for everything from their nutritional and...
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20 Nov 2012
Postcards from the field: On the Congo River
KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo (14 November, 2012)_500 km in four days: CIFOR researcher Felicien Kengoum shares the highs and lows of doing research in a remote town in the DRC.
- 19 Nov 2012
Cutting through: Formalising Cameroon’s huge domestic timber market
Cameroon loggers forced to operate outside the law due to poorly governed domestic market.
19 Nov 2012
The Congo Basin Forests: What policymakers should know
The Congo Basin forests are a lifeline for more than 60 million people – providing food and income for many remote communities, storing huge amounts...
- 16 Nov 2012
Bushmeat Stories: Voices from the Congo Basin
The Hunter, The Trader, The Conservationist, The Scientist
- 16 Nov 2012
Bushmeat Stories: Voices from the Congo Basin
16 Nov 2012
Postcards from the field: Porcupines and Proposals in Cameroon
YAOUNDE, Cameroon (14 November, 2012)_CIFOR intern Camille Dehu shares the highs and lows of life in the field, doing research in a remote village in Cameroon
- 15 Nov 2012
Taming Okok: Domesticating forest foods in Cameroon
Vegetable’s soaring popularity in Cameroon has led to concerns about sustainability.
- 15 Nov 2012
Taming Okok: Domesticating forest foods in Cameroon
15 Nov 2012
Up the river & paddling hard: Climate adaptation & mitigation in the Congo
LUKOLELA, Democratic Republic of Congo (14 November, 2012)_People in the remote town of Lukolela – 540 km from Kinshasa on the Congo River – are already...
- 14 Nov 2012
Under Threat: Deforestation pressure on Congo Basin forests increasing
Scientists call for a viable scientific information mechanism to deal with drivers of deforestation.
14 Nov 2012
Young leaders: the future of the Congo’s forestry research
KISANGANI, Democratic Republic of Congo (14 November, 2012)_Deep in the Yoko Forest Reserve, across the Congo River from Kisangani in the Democratic Republic...
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