Lessons from the Amazon
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Photo Essay
- 14 Nov 2013
Forest products, especially timber, are still an important part of many people’s livelihoods in this region.
- 8 Nov 2013
Mites, ticks and the human impacts on forests are some of the challenges researchers face when investigating Brazil nut production in Peru.
15 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
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8 Nov 2013
Learning experience: Young Peruvian foresters contribute to Brazil nut research
Young researchers are helping Brazil nut producers to be more informed about what is happening in their concessions – and learning at the same time.
- 7 Nov 2013
Harvesting both timber and Brazil nuts in Peru’s Amazon forests: Can they coexist?
Scientists search for more data to inform policy and best practice.
- 6 Nov 2013
Between the Amazon and the Atlantic: Brazil’s threatened savannas
By 2008, almost half the Cerrado’s original vegetation had been lost to agricultural expansion.
- 6 Nov 2013
Seeing the forest and the trees: Brazil’s transparency in deforestation data
Satellite monitoring systems record annual deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.
- 5 Nov 2013
Martyr of the Amazon: The legacy of Chico Mendes
How would Chico Mendes feel about the way forests are being managed in the region today?
- 5 Nov 2013
Martyr of the Amazon: The legacy of Chico Mendes
- 5 Nov 2013
Land rights: Both prerequisite and incentive for smallholder-based REDD+
Scientists believe dealing with land tenure issues is critical for the success of REDD+ projects.
- 4 Nov 2013
Lessons from the Amazon: Searching for a Sustainable Future for Forests and People
Ensuring the availability of Amazon forests for ecosystem services and future generations.
4 Nov 2013
The invisible workforce: gender myth-busting in Ecuador
It's thought that timber harvesting and forest use in general is an exclusively male activity, but new research shows gender roles are changing in Ecuador's...
4 Nov 2013
Who buys, who sells, how much? Mapping Ecuador’s timber markets
A team of scientists have produced an extensive report on the state of Ecuador’s domestic timber market, the strategies used by communities to manage...
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