Global Landscapes Forum
Top Stories
- 28 Dec 2015
The disappointing gender aspects of the Paris Agreement can be balanced by feeding evidence and experience into policy.
Event Coverage
- 17 Dec 2015
The message that solutions for climate and development will come from everyday landscapes resonated throughout the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum.
18 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
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Event Coverage
- 17 Dec 2015
A river runs through it: Why water needs a landscape approach too
Everyone needs water, so local groups must work together to make sure there’s enough to go around, panel says.
Event Coverage
- 14 Dec 2015
When the climate changes, migration does too
Easing migration-related pressures on the land means looking at all human and environmental factors together.
Event Coverage
- 14 Dec 2015
‘Concessions 2.0’: A new concept for sustainable community forestry
Including communities in the Congo Basin’s mega-timber plantations could see a shift away from a model of exploitation.
Video Q&A
- 12 Dec 2015
To invest in data is to invest in our forests
Without data, we can’t measure the success of forest conservation efforts.
Video Q&A
- 12 Dec 2015
To invest in data is to invest in our forests
Event Coverage
- 11 Dec 2015
When are satellite images most useful? When someone explains them
Monitoring data provide an unparalleled window onto the state of ecosystems, but only if they’re reliable and the meaning is clear.
Video Q&A
- 9 Dec 2015
Companies and government need each other on zero deforestation
Palm oil companies will comply with standards if the market tells them to, an industry leader says.
Event Coverage
- 9 Dec 2015
Smallholders at the heart of Indonesia’s zero-deforestation dispute
Government and business may find common ground in supporting small-scale oil palm farmers.
Event Coverage
- 9 Dec 2015
Restoration as a local solution with global benefits
Forest landscape restoration should be at the core of climate change strategies, Global Landscapes Forum hears.
Video Q&A
- 8 Dec 2015
Sharing the planet means sharing the problems
An indigenous activist calls for everyone to take responsibility for ‘protecting Mother Earth’.
Video Q&A
- 8 Dec 2015
Sharing the planet means sharing the problems
Event Coverage
- 8 Dec 2015
‘Global village’ might not be such a cliché
Local practices with the commons offer lessons for collectively managing "global commons" such as oceans and the sky.
Event Coverage
- 7 Dec 2015
All the youth in the house, please stand up
Salina Abraham grabbed the spotlight with her passionate call for youth to be considered like gender, race and regional diversity.
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