Melati Kaye - 29 Oct 2012
HYDERABAD, India (29 October, 2012)_Finding ways to sustainably manage the world's natural resources is as important for labour rights as conservation, trade union experts said, noting up to two-thirds of all jobs in the developing world are linked to the environment: everything from farming and fishing to mining, timber extraction and the harvesting...
5 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
- 4 Jul 2018
Gaharu: A migration story
A wood worth more than gold, and the changing face of a province and its forests
- 7 Oct 2015
In Ethiopia, jobs might grow on trees
Industrial timber plantations could provide a way for Ethiopia to reduce rural unemployment and conserve natural forests.
- 13 Sep 2014
Certifying logging concessions certifies social benefits in Congo Basin
Improved living and working conditions can be traced to Forest Management Units.
- 11 Sep 2014
Carving a place for women’s rights in Indonesia’s furniture trade
Women of Jepara's furniture industry typically earn US $1.50 each day.
29 Oct 2012
Without healthy ecosystems, jobs disappear, businesses relocate
HYDERABAD, India (29 October, 2012)_Finding ways to sustainably manage the world's natural resources is as important for labour rights as conservation,...
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