Andrea Booth - 22 May 2012
Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai is a champion for linking the environment and human rights.
27 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
25 May 2023
Keeping track of trees and forests in Eastern and Southern Africa
Four years on from OFESA’s launch, what progress has been made?
- 23 Aug 2022
Green water and flying rivers
The untapped source that could transform rainfed agriculture
- 8 Jul 2022
Informal trade in charcoal and firewood in Africa creates need for sustainable approach
Demand for wood fuel highlights importance of cross-border cooperation
- 22 Dec 2021
Meet the farmers and scientists collaborating to restore Kenya’s degraded grasslands
Bringing the soil back to life
- 27 Sep 2021
Poor charcoal production techniques fuel tree cutting in Kenya
Traditional earth kilns inefficient
- 5 Dec 2020
Soil health critical for maintaining human health, biological diversity, researchers say
Helping earth boost production
Event Coverage
- 26 Jun 2020
GLF talks dig deep on food security, soils and social inclusion
Shaping soil organic carbon sequestration projects for small-scale farmers
- 17 Jun 2020
Kenyan farmers adopt new agroforestry strategies through research in development program
Transforming land and livelihoods
- 27 May 2020
The world’s largest desert lake and a disappearing way of life
This is part three in a series of three stories that look at forests, trees and how they are used in East Africa.
- 26 May 2020
Transforming Kenya’s invasive ‘mathenge’ bushes into charcoal farms
Widely considered a nuisance, the shrub is now a sustainable bioenergy option
- 20 May 2020
The challenge of charcoal
Growing demand for charcoal is putting more pressure on already shrinking forests
- 20 May 2020
The challenge of charcoal
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CIFOR-ICRAF harnesses the power of trees, forests and agroforestry landscapes to address the most pressing global challenges of our time – biodiversity loss, climate change, food security, livelihoods and inequity.
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