Maya Thatcher - 14 Feb 2013
New report highlights the importance of Free, Prior and Informed consent in recognizing community rights to land.
5 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
- 2 Feb 2015
For sharing REDD+ benefits in Peru, consensus more important than cash
"It seems to be the case that there is no substitute for broad consultation…"
- 6 Nov 2014
Power and political interest pervade Peru’s land sector
Confusion and competing claims for land as multiple government bodies struggle for control.
- 5 Nov 2014
INTERACTIVE: Who has power over land use in Peru?
Confusion and competing claims for land as multiple government bodies struggle for control.
- 2 Jun 2014
PODCAST: What is multilevel governance and why is it important?
Expanding beyond vertical government to look at horizontal governance.
- 14 Feb 2013
Preventing partnerships: Timber companies & indigenous groups grapple over land
New report highlights the importance of Free, Prior and Informed consent in recognizing community rights to land.
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