562 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
- 10 Jun 2014
How selective logging could help protect Indonesia’s forests
Recognizing the value of logged forests for biodiversity conservation in Indonesia.
Event Coverage
- 9 Jun 2014
Case in Kalimantan points to progress in protecting forests for food security
The need to recognize competing demands for land use and create a dialogue.
- 5 Jun 2014
Combined forest certification improves business for Brazil-nut growers: study
Simplifying and linking certification standards may be key to success.
- 4 Jun 2014
Research’s role in REDD+ decision-making: Q+A with Anne Larson
"Working with and through government in a jurisdictional REDD+, in essence, is both a necessary and a high risk proposition..."
- 2 Jun 2014
PODCAST: What is multilevel governance and why is it important?
Expanding beyond vertical government to look at horizontal governance.
Event Coverage
- 2 Jun 2014
Hopes rise for Myanmar to chart a greener path
Sustainable development, green economy and poverty reduction on the agenda for Myanmar.
- 30 May 2014
The forgotten majority? Peruvian smallholders at the farm-forest interface
Scientists find lack of existing programs that promote community forestry or benefit local people.
- 28 May 2014
Q&A: In the Amazon, important tree species remain ‘under the radar’
Smallholders risk fines to harvest timber that provides important sources of income.
- 26 May 2014
The bolaina timber market chain
- 23 May 2014
Strategic bolaina timber production could improve livelihoods
Scientists promote farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange to improve practice and expand markets.
- 22 May 2014
Smallholder profits, policies collide in Peruvian Amazon
Blame for Amazon deforestation falls wrongly on smallholders who clear small fields for crops.
- 22 May 2014
Smallholder profits, policies collide in Peruvian Amazon
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