562 Results found. From 1997 - 2025
- 4 Nov 2014
Project ‘discovers’ uncharted forests—and charts new direction in land-use planning
The Indonesian project is 'discovering' and mapping new tracts of forest.
- 28 Oct 2014
New guidebook seeks to boost forest clout for a massive, marginalized group
Adaptive Collaborative Management offers avenue to greater equality for women.
- 30 Sep 2014
Winds of change buffet a small-time industry, hitting women hardest
The West African shea oil industry is facing technological and economic disruption, threatening livelihoods.
- 16 Sep 2014
‘Deep, recurrent structural problems’ lie behind climate challenges
Eduardo Brondízio of Indiana University hopes to 'provoke questions that people may not be thinking about' during an upcoming colloquium.
- 12 Sep 2014
Gardens in the sky: The advantages of agroforestry in Bangladesh
What if the same land could grow more food, and at the same time create something that at least vaguely resembles a forest?
- 8 Sep 2014
How do forests recover after logging? New network seeks to find out
Scientists find a big gap in our knowledge of logged-over forests in the tropics - with potentially significant benefits.
- 2 Sep 2014
Ebola and bushmeat in Africa: Q&A with leading researcher
"It's not about rhinoceros horns; it's not about ivory. It's about people killing animals to eat them."
- 1 Sep 2014
Web of mistrust snags forest-protection programs in Cambodia
Attempts to promote trade in forest-based goods have had limited success, despite consumer interest.
- 26 Aug 2014
Study gauges relative importance of forest incomes
Non-timber forest products provide safety net for rural poor households in West Africa.
- 26 Aug 2014
Study gauges relative importance of forest incomes
- 19 Aug 2014
Artisanal millers vs. industrial plantations in Cameroon’s palm oil paradox
How to solve the problem? Give the producers a better price.
- 18 Aug 2014
Crop diversity can sweeten the deal for African cocoa farmers
Diversification of crops in cocoa agroforestry systems could be a win-win solution.
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