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Thomas Hubert is a journalist who has spent the last decade between France, Ireland and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Following a two-year stint as Kinshasa correspondent for the BBC, he is now based in Paris, covering issues ranging from human rights to farm policy and the environment for French- and English-speaking media houses and NGOs.
- 23 Dec 2013
BEST OF 2013: Is forest certification working?
dual-evaluation roadmap suggested to assess the impacts of certification.
- 23 Dec 2013
BEST OF 2013: Is forest certification working?
Event Coverage
- 29 Nov 2013
Scientists urge tact in crafting forest governance systems
Can sustainability standards support an integrated governance framework?
- 27 Nov 2013
REDD+ highlights tenure problems, but does not solve them
State's need to confront their own policies to address some of the most serious tenure problems at the local level.
- 16 Nov 2013
Smallholder farmers in Cameroon nearly ready for REDD+ — with a bit of help
Reinforcing farmers’ existing capacities could promote agro-forestry practices less detrimental forest.
- 15 Nov 2013
When tenure reform for REDD+ needs a second wind
Broader, national programs for land tenure reform are needed to support tenure progress achieved through REDD+.
- 15 Nov 2013
When tenure reform for REDD+ needs a second wind
- 29 Oct 2013
West African lake a field laboratory for long-term landscapes research
Scientists gather data and measure change in eight sentinel landscapes to understand how landscapes transition over time.
- 19 Sep 2013
The multi-million dollar question: Is forest certification working?
Scientific evaluation of forest certification informs supporters whether they are getting value for their money.
29 May 2013
Q&A: What’s behind the lag in climate-related finance in Central Africa?
Most Central African countries have been unable to access climate funds—and, according to experts, donors are “skeptical” about the countries’...