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Thomas Hubert is a journalist who has spent the last decade between France, Ireland and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Following a two-year stint as Kinshasa correspondent for the BBC, he is now based in Paris, covering issues ranging from human rights to farm policy and the environment for French- and English-speaking media houses and NGOs.
Event Coverage
- 9 Dec 2015
Smallholders at the heart of Indonesia’s zero-deforestation dispute
Government and business may find common ground in supporting small-scale oil palm farmers.
Event Coverage
- 8 Dec 2015
‘Global village’ might not be such a cliché
Local practices with the commons offer lessons for collectively managing "global commons" such as oceans and the sky.
Event Coverage
- 7 Dec 2015
Landscapes’ ‘complexity’ offers a way forward for climate policy
Speakers at the Global Landscapes Forum drew connections between sustainable land use and COP21 talks.
Event Coverage
- 6 Dec 2015
Landscapes for sustainability: Potential, yes. Finance, not so much.
New areas of investment are needed to bring the private sector on board, speakers say at Global Landscapes Forum.
- 2 Jul 2015
Carbon or biodiversity conservation – you can’t have the best of both worlds
Forests remain stubbornly complex, forcing some tough decisions ahead.
- 15 Jun 2015
Watch: Looking for common language at Landscapes Forum
Experts discuss global finance for the landscapes approach in London.
- 15 Jun 2015
Watch: Looking for common language at Landscapes Forum
Event Coverage
- 11 Jun 2015
Investors want to fund sustainable landscapes – now the work begins
Connecting finance to the landscapes approach at Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case.
Event Coverage
- 4 Jun 2015
Investment in sustainable landscapes: Time to take the risk
“We think this is the best way of leveraging public money and the way forward for climate finance.” - European Investment Bank