Maya Thatcher began her professional life working as a newswire journalist in London, at Reuters News and Platts before moving to Indonesia in early 2011. Here, she used her passion for the environment and development to shift careers to the non-profit sector. She has a master's degree in conflict and development studies and Bachelors in modern history and politics, both from the University of London.
- 19 Jul 2013
Biodiversity paradigm questioned after flaws found in logging impact research
The importance of local variations is often ignored when interpreting logging impact research, misdirecting conclusions.
- 5 Apr 2013
Nepal: Eager to join global efforts to fight deforestation, but not getting to the root
Frustration and uncertainty have created an “anything goes” atmosphere in Nepal's forests.
- 14 Feb 2013
Preventing partnerships: Timber companies & indigenous groups grapple over land
New report highlights the importance of Free, Prior and Informed consent in recognizing community rights to land.
- 12 Feb 2013
Paying farmers to protect forest watersheds in Vietnam & China: The long-term prognosis
Making sure payments for ecosystem services promote the link between ecological stewardship and human well-being.
- 22 Dec 2012
Landscape-based certification scheme aims to lift poverty by engaging communities
Landscape labelling offers payments to community-based organisations to manage unique and diverse rural landscapes.
21 Nov 2012
Certifying Vietnam’s timber plantations would help smallholders profit from lucrative export market
BOGOR, Indonesia (21 November, 2012)_If Vietnam wants its timber producers to benefit from the growing “eco-conscious” and more lucrative international...
27 Sep 2012
Chance encounter with reclusive golden cat renews calls for Ugandan park protection
Without support from local people, conservation achievements may remain fragile and unsustainable.
24 Sep 2012
Can ecotourism offer funding solutions for Vietnam’s national parks?
JEJU, South Korea (18 September, 2012)_Maintaining fragile ecosystems while addressing the development needs of a growing population are often seen as...