Mark Foss is a Canadian freelance writer/editor specializing in sustainable development issues. In 1995, following seven years as communications coordinator for the Canadian Organization for Development through Education (CODE) and Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), he began consulting for government, NGOs and international organizations. A collection of stories about a hapless NGO fundraiser appeared in 2005 followed by a novel, Spoilers, in 2011. He holds a Bachelor of Journalism (Highest Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies (With Distinction) from Carleton University in Ottawa.
- 14 Jul 2015
Shades of green: Balancing Indonesia’s conservation and development
“Indonesia is between a rock and a hard place.”
- 10 Mar 2015
Study: As forests, grasslands gave way to farms, soil carbon emissions soared
Low carbon strategies are available, but implementation can be complex.
- 7 Jan 2015
In the tropics, an alien invasion remains largely below the radar
“Logging, shifting cultivation, fires or natural catastrophe all make forests susceptible to invasion.”
- 18 Nov 2014
Time for urgent action on social safeguards for REDD+, researchers say
“There is a tremendous need to design low-cost, rigorous and sustainable strategies for MRV of REDD+ safeguards.” - Pam Jagger
- 4 Nov 2014
Project ‘discovers’ uncharted forests—and charts new direction in land-use planning
The Indonesian project is 'discovering' and mapping new tracts of forest.
- 25 Oct 2014
How do different land-use policies interact? New study seeks to find out
“It’s not that we need to conceive the perfect instrument, and then apply it everywhere,” stressed participating scientist Eric Lambin.
- 13 Oct 2014
Carrots or sticks? Balancing cost-effectiveness, equity in Brazil’s deforestation policy
Punishing those responsible for deforestation is effective, but may cost locals dearly.
- 26 Aug 2014
Study gauges relative importance of forest incomes
Non-timber forest products provide safety net for rural poor households in West Africa.
- 26 Aug 2014
Study gauges relative importance of forest incomes