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Since 2013, Julie Mollins has served in various editorial and outreach roles with CGIAR-affiliated organizations, including as editor of Forests News for CIFOR (2013-2014, 2018 and November 2019 to June 2022), editor of Landscape News for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and news editor and media manager for the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). She also works in communications at the World Bank. Previously, she worked for Reuters in Toronto and London, the former Reuters Foundation humanitarian website AlertNet in London, and several national news and business publications in Canada.
- 19 Sep 2020
U.N. green cities initiative to promote forestry and sustainable food systems
Services provided by green spaces will increase wellbeing, says U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
- 16 Sep 2020
Shorter lifespan of fast-growing trees may limit capacity to meet climate change goals
Fast early growth strongly selects against trees reaching old age, study says
- 7 Sep 2020
Shaping up forest and landscape restoration initiatives
New approaches are needed to make conceptual strategies more practical
- 1 Sep 2020
Men in forests: New book shatters stereotypes
Memoir by Carol J. Pierce Colfer urges greater diversity in gender research
- 1 Sep 2020
Men in forests: New book shatters stereotypes
- 27 Aug 2020
Pressure on forests from unhealthy diets may increase spread of viruses, scientist says
Food production destroying critical green buffer
- 25 Aug 2020
Tracking REDD+: A story of remuneration and rewards for avoided deforestation in Central Africa
Evaluating the role of communications in project implementation
- 20 Aug 2020
Earth Overshoot Day 2020 arrives later due to pandemic-related slowdown in clearing forests
Global data conceal disparities in patterns of consumption, says CIFOR DG Robert Nasi
- 19 Aug 2020
Q+A: Restore landscapes to cure planet, says author of ‘The Reindeer Chronicles’
Judith D. Schwartz discusses her latest book on the environment