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Since 2013, Julie Mollins has served in various editorial and outreach roles with CGIAR-affiliated organizations, including as editor of Forests News for CIFOR (2013-2014, 2018 and November 2019 to June 2022), editor of Landscape News for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and news editor and media manager for the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). She also works in communications at the World Bank. Previously, she worked for Reuters in Toronto and London, the former Reuters Foundation humanitarian website AlertNet in London, and several national news and business publications in Canada.
15 May 2013
Q+A: Committee on World Food Security chair urges use of forest foods in diets
Governments must ensure food security is top of the development agenda as global population expands from 7 billion to a projected 9 billion people by 2050,...
- 13 May 2013
Scientists aim to pinpoint role of forests in battle against “hidden hunger”
Increased food production does not have to be at the expense of the natural environment.
Event Coverage
- 7 May 2013
Amazon timber-food balance saves forest smallholder livelihoods from risk
Smallholders are able manage timber and non-timber production sustainably – finding a balance between conflicting uses.
- 6 May 2013
AUDIO Q+A: Do forest-dwelling children have more nutritious diets?
Scientists find forests may be playing a very important role in food security, including nutrition.
- 22 Apr 2013
Forest-dwelling Borneo children foresee grim times ahead – study
Understanding what drives environmental views among children could help inform optimal policies on land use.
Event Coverage
- 8 Apr 2013
Forest foods should be used in fight against global malnutrition – scientist
Globally, about 870 million people do not have enough to eat, but more than two billion suffer from micronutrient deficiency.