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Event Coverage
- 14 Dec 2015
When the climate changes, migration does too
Easing migration-related pressures on the land means looking at all human and environmental factors together.
Event Coverage
- 14 Dec 2015
When the climate changes, migration does too
Event Coverage
- 14 Dec 2015
‘Concessions 2.0’: A new concept for sustainable community forestry
Including communities in the Congo Basin’s mega-timber plantations could see a shift away from a model of exploitation.
Event Coverage
- 11 Dec 2015
When are satellite images most useful? When someone explains them
Monitoring data provide an unparalleled window onto the state of ecosystems, but only if they’re reliable and the meaning is clear.
Event Coverage
- 9 Dec 2015
Restoration as a local solution with global benefits
Forest landscape restoration should be at the core of climate change strategies, Global Landscapes Forum hears.
- 25 Nov 2015
Sustainable investment in Africa starts with the law
Legal frameworks in Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania suggest ways that investments in landscapes can contribute to sustainable development.
- 25 Nov 2015
Sustainable investment in Africa starts with the law
- 2 Nov 2015
A landscape picture from Cameroon
Cameroon’s ‘Technical Operation Units’ may provide a foundation for adopting a landscape approach to development.
- 2 Nov 2015
A landscape picture from Cameroon
- 7 Oct 2015
In Ethiopia, jobs might grow on trees
Industrial timber plantations could provide a way for Ethiopia to reduce rural unemployment and conserve natural forests.
- 7 Oct 2015
In Ethiopia, jobs might grow on trees