Coming soon
Event Coverage
- 19 Jun 2018
Risky business: Tenure issues main deterrent for investment
Experts from finance, research and policy cite land tenure as biggest perceived risk
Event Coverage
- 13 Jun 2018
Future finance: Blend, bond and blockchain
The financial landscape is changing to fit the planet's needs. Here's what's new
Event Coverage
- 13 Jun 2018
Future finance: Blend, bond and blockchain
- 7 Jun 2018
Figuring out the water cycle… still
We could re-wet dry landscapes with the right theory. Could the 'biotic pump' be it?
- 7 Jun 2018
Figuring out the water cycle… still
DG’s Column
- 31 May 2018
To survive in climate change, look past targets and focus on the long game
At the third GLF Investment Case Symposium, CIFOR’s DG Robert Nasi calls for a realistic approach to a ‘3-degree’ future
- 30 May 2018
A brief explainer of how REDD+ finance works
Following the money – through all of its channels, steps, gaps and opportunities
- 30 May 2018
A brief explainer of how REDD+ finance works
- 17 May 2018
Ebola returns in area scientists predicted ‘highly favorable’ for outbreak
Biogeographical mapping is proving successful in detecting outbreak-prone regions for the deadly disease
- 30 Apr 2018
5 questions on forests in climate change
As the 2018 Bonn Climate Change Conference kicks off, see how much you know about issues in discussion
- 30 Apr 2018
5 questions on forests in climate change
DG’s Column
- 21 Mar 2018
Robert Nasi: What’s happening to our forests?
On 2018’s International Day of Forests, a word from CIFOR’s Director General on forest landscape challenges and why restoration commitments alone won’t...
DG’s Column
- 21 Mar 2018
Robert Nasi: What’s happening to our forests?