Amindeh Blaise Atabong was born in Batouri, a town close to the lush bushlands within the species-rich Congo Basin. He grew up in Cameroon within this ecosystem and has since 2013 worked as a freelance journalist with a bias for environment and conservation reporting. Amindeh has written for respectable local, regional and international news outlets, amongst them Reuters, Mongabay, The Times UK, African Arguments and Equal Times. He has won many awards for his work including an African Climate Change and Environment Reporting (ACCER) Award by Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA). Since 2020, he has been serving as editorial consultant for the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
8 Jul 2023
Governance issues slow land use planning progress in Central Africa
Experiences from Cameroon, DR Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda
26 May 2023
Fielding peatland data in remote Central Congo
Hard-to-get field data essential for calibration and validation
26 May 2023
Fielding peatland data in remote Central Congo
19 May 2023
Central African countries vulnerable to emerging infectious diseases
Conversion of forest ecosystems, poverty, and frequent and close contact with wildlife also make the sub-region a high-risk area for the emergence of zoonotic...
- 21 Apr 2023
Central Africa: Battling deforestation, balancing development
The challenge of cleaning up commodity chains while maintaining livelihoods
10 Apr 2023
Reporting limits Central African countries’ access to climate finance
Gaps constrain critical funding opportunities for mitigation
29 Mar 2023
Robust intersectoral coordination could unleash Central African forests’ contribution to SDGs
Boosting the capacities of national statistics agencies also primordial
17 Mar 2023
Agriculture-linked deforestation topmost driver of emissions in Central Africa – Report
Multiple projects of different content and scale to reduce emissions linked to deforestation and degradation have been developed
24 Feb 2023
Congo Basin: Need for more funding to let ‘lungs of Africa’ breathe
Forests of Central Africa do not seem to attract as much funding as their counterparts in the Amazon and South-East Asia