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Abdon Awono is a Forests and Woodfuel Value Chains Scientist at CIFOR. He has accumulated more than 20 years working experience in forestry, especially in tropical forest resource management, forest economics, and forest policy and land use systems. He is a holder of a PhD in Geography and Land Use Planning from University of Montpellier III, France; a Master of Science in Environmental Impact Assessment from Dschang University, Cameroon and another Master of Science in Political Science from University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon. He is fluent both in English and French
- 19 Jun 2021
How to build resilient landscapes and livelihoods in refugee settings
Enhancing humanitarian initiatives in Africa
- 27 Aug 2020
Circular economy is the future of wood fuel production in Cameroon
Using waste to meet the country’s growing energy demand could reduce impact on forests
- 24 Jul 2020
Securing the future of mangroves through sustainable wood fuel management
An appeal to protect Cameroon's fragile shoreline ecosystem
- 1 Oct 2013
Edible vine improves women’s livelihoods in Cameroon
CIFOR research has shown that Okok is the third most valuable NTFP in the country, with an annual value of $12 million.