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Since 2013, Julie Mollins has served in various editorial and outreach roles with CGIAR-affiliated organizations, including as editor of Forests News for CIFOR (2013-2014, 2018 and November 2019 to June 2022), editor of Landscape News for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and news editor and media manager for the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). She also works in communications at the World Bank. Previously, she worked for Reuters in Toronto and London, the former Reuters Foundation humanitarian website AlertNet in London, and several national news and business publications in Canada.
- 10 Aug 2020
Planted forests in Vietnam enhance ecosystem goods and services
Nature-based solutions can offset the impact of climate change
- 5 Aug 2020
LED flashlights increase food insecurity risk in wild-meat dependent communities
Scientists urge sustainable hunting strategies to mitigate impact
- 22 Jul 2020
Survey shows potential impact of palm trees in quantifying rainforest carbon
No global blueprint for sustainable management of tropical ecosystems
- 21 Jul 2020
Body Mass Index does not shape complete picture of nutritional needs of Pygmy people
Life expectancy 35 years for some wild-meat dependent communities in Central Africa
- 20 Jul 2020
Forests can help reshape ‘dysfunctional’ global food system, scientists say
No need to sacrifice forests in quest for food security
- 17 Jul 2020
Q+A: Rollback of environmental protections continues during COVID-19 pandemic, expert says
Conservation International's Rachel Golden-Kroner
Fact File
- 14 Jul 2020
Under fire: Five myths about wood fuel in sub-Saharan Africa
Sector is mostly informal, despite its socioeconomic importance
- 30 Jun 2020
CIFOR’s Robert Nasi to U.S. congressional staff: wildlife trade, ecosystem degradation and climate change, major drivers of emerging infectious diseases
Wildmeat database on hunting offtakes, consumption, market sales and more to launch in 2021