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Andrea Booth is a print and TV broadcast journalist. She has written for publications such as CIFOR Forests Blog, the Guardian Weekly and UN news agency IRIN. Prior to Indonesia, she worked on documentaries for Australia’s National Indigenous TV. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in Journalism.
- 12 Nov 2012
For Zambian honey farmers, text messaging has sweet rewards
The Zambia Honey Council connects suppliers to the market in novel ways.
- 4 Oct 2012
Second generation of biofuels could give forests a break
Scientists suggest second generation biofuels are often both better for the environment and more fuel efficient than their earlier cousins.
- 4 Jun 2012
Bangladesh forests disappearing at “alarming rate”, says expert
Inter-ministerial collaboration required to support sustainable forest management.
- 22 May 2012
New environment award recognises peace prize winner Wangari Maathai
Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai is a champion for linking the environment and human rights.
- 11 Apr 2012
Woodfuel causes deforestation in Congo Basin yet is potential renewable energy source
REDD+ initiatives may provide incentive for more sustainable energy approaches.
- 30 Mar 2012
New tree-planting and water-use methods boost soil carbon to aid food security in Africa
Experts also warn that trading soil carbon 'may have undesirable consequences' for food security.
14 Mar 2012
Mangroves being destroyed at “an alarming rate” yet not mentioned in Rio+20’s zero draft
BOGOR, Indonesia (14 March, 2012)_“Oceans” will be one of the key issues under discussion at Rio+20 to ensure the protection of marine resources, yet...
- 2 Mar 2012
Invasive alien species could threaten Indonesia’s ecosystems
Cecropia peltata was introduced to the Bogor Botanical Gardens in 1943, but quickly spread.