Amy Duchelle is a Senior Scientist in the Climate Change, Energy & Low Carbon Development Team at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Indonesia. Her research interests include forest-based climate change mitigation, impact evaluation, and smallholder and community forest management. Prior to moving to Indonesia, Duchelle was based at CIFOR’s office in Brazil, where she lived and worked for many years. She holds a B.A. in Biology from Colorado College, a M.S. in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and a Ph.D. in Tropical Forestry from the University of Florida. She currently leads CIFOR’s work on analyzing the effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and co-benefits of subnational REDD+ initiatives through the Global Comparative Study on REDD+.
- 8 Nov 2017
COP23 Special: Can REDD+ benefit the poor?
Why the scheme’s success depends on it
- 8 Nov 2017
COP23 Special: Can REDD+ benefit the poor?
Photo Essay
- 24 Aug 2017
Community participation as a REDD+ safeguard
Voices of men, women and youth in Jambi, Indonesia
Photo Essay
- 24 Aug 2017
Community participation as a REDD+ safeguard
- 17 Jan 2014
Climate change needs a new kind of scientist
Young researchers may provide the “out of the box” thinking needed to tackle climate change problems.
- 17 Jan 2014
Climate change needs a new kind of scientist
11 Jun 2013
More forests, more power: Analyzing the viability of Belo Monte dam
Much of the controversy over hydropower plants in tropical nations is focused on what dam construction and flooding will do to people and the environment....
14 Aug 2012
REDD+ opens up new opportunities for forest product management in the Amazon
Support for multiple-use forestry projects may lead to an increase in the value of Brazil nut forests.