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Adinda Hasan served as CIFOR's Global Projects Communications Coordinator (2016) and Asia Regional Communications Coordinator (2013-2016).
- 25 Jan 2016
PFES and REDD+ in Vietnam – A two-pronged approach to forest conservation
In Vietnam, plans to develop REDD+ must go beyond the country's Payments for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) program.
Event Coverage
- 17 Dec 2014
Along the Mekong, conservation-payment schemes are a study in contrasts
The future of PES in SE-Asia was recently discussed at a workshop in Hanoi.
- 28 May 2013
Look who isn’t talking now: REDD+ information flows in Indonesia
A lack of information exchange and collaboration between stakeholders in REDD+.
Video Q&A
- 27 May 2013
Q+A: Sharing REDD+ “benefits”
Do win-win solutions that perfectly achieve all three ‘E’s (equity, efficiency and effectiveness) exist?
Video Q&A
- 27 May 2013
Q+A: Sharing REDD+ “benefits”
- 20 Mar 2013
Indonesian province explores ‘green growth’ amidst economic expansion
Maximizing the economic use of degraded land may help to bridge the gap between economic growth and climate change.
8 Dec 2012
Doha: Future climate agreement may merge agriculture, land use change and forestry
DOHA, Qatar (8 December, 2012)_A unified approach to managing landscapes to achieve food security while protecting the world’s natural resources could...