
To spray or not to spray

The overuse of pesticides and the alternatives

Though it’s native to the Americas, the fall armyworm – a voracious caterpillar that attacks maize and other cereals, damaging the leaves – has begun wreaking havoc in Africa and Asia. In response, many farmers turn to chemical pesticides, but these can be toxic to humans and the environment. And since many farmers lack experience handling these pesticides and lack access to protective clothing, the effect is even more serious.

How much damage can fall armyworms cause? Is it true that using chemicals is effective to control this pest? Are there natural enemies that can effectively attack this pest?

Find out in a discussion exploring the danger of overusing chemical pesticides and its alternative – using natural predators and enemies of the fall armyworm – to answer the question: to spray, or not to spray? Join Paul Jepson, an independent consultant in integrated pest management, Buyung Hadi, coordinator of Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United and Rhett Harrison, a tropical forest ecologist and conservation biologist at CIFOR-ICRAF.

Paul Jepson
Independent IPM Consultant

Buyung Hadi

Rhett Harrison
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