Part of the revised Moratorium Indicative Map for an area of Central and West Kalimantan. The green indicates production forests and areas for protection and conservation while the red shading indicates areas of peatland. Click to see an enlarged version. Kindly reproduced with permission from Kementerian Kehutanan Republik Indonesia
BOGOR, Indonesia (9 July, 2011)_A revised Moratorium Indicative Map was released by the Ministry of Forestry in Indonesia this week. The map highlights 55 million hectares of primary forest and 17 million hectares of peat land, all protected under the recent moratorium which was agreed in May 2011.
The map was described by the Ministry of Forestry as an ‘integral part’ of the country’s forestry moratorium, which would see a ban on forest clearing concessions for commercial purposes over the next two years. The agreement is part of a $1 billion deal with the Norwegian government to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
The map comprises of 291 smaller maps of forest areas on a scale of 1:250,000, and is a revised version of a similar map released in May.
The map can be viewed here (a digital version is available on request from the Ministry of Forestry website).
For further analysis of the figures behind the map, please visit ‘Indonesia’s Forest Moratorium—Analyzing the numbers’ by CIFOR scientist Deborah Lawrence.
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