* Global trade in forest products grew from US$ 80 billion in 1985 to US $152 billion in 1995.
* Trade in forest products has declined since 1995 due to the Asian crisis and lower pulp & paper prices.
* The focus of trade has tended to shift from logs to processed products. No new markets for logs are likely.
* The volume of plywood exports increased 73% between 1987 and 1997.
* Malaysia increased its share of plywood exports from 6% to 18%, while Indonesia lost market share.
* Wood pulp exports from Brazil, Chile, and Indonesia rose sharply over the last decade, while Scandinavian exports declined.
* South Africa has substantially higher forest product exports than any other African nation.
* Despite a dramatic decline in logging in Russia, log exports have gone up due to plummeting domestic demand.
* Furniture trade has become big business. US wood furniture imports went from US$1.5 billion in 1992 to $4.0 billion in 1998.
If this kind of information appeals to you, you will probably enjoy a recent paper by Bob Flynn titled ’Global Forest Products Trade Trends & Their Impact on Asia’.
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Further reading
You can find that paper along with a large amount of other interesting free material on forest industry trends on the Robert Flynn & Associates home page: www.latco.org/flynn
If you have trouble down-loading papers from the web, you can request an electronic copy from Bob Flynn at mailto:bflynn@aa.net
You can also send comments to that same address.