A documentary on REDD+ in DR Congo shows the difficulty to bring together environmental requirements and interests of local populations and timber industries (photo by Endre Vestvik/flickr)
How can we convince farmers that they should not cut down trees which bring them much needed energy and shelter? How can a country be so rich in natural resources yet still be home to some of the poorest people in the world? What can be done to preserve the Congo Basin from complete deforestation?
Getting REDD+ to work: the Challenge in DRC will take you on a journey through the forest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on which some of the poorest people in the world depend for food, energy and shelter. Sadly, 134 million hectares of this forest, representing 60% of the Congo’s total land cover, is currently under threat of deforestation.
The forest-preserving strategy, REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) might be our last chance. However it must overcome many obstacles in its implementation, in particular the involvement of indigenous communities in forest-management strategies will be critical to the success of REDD+.
This documentary explores some of the environmental challenges being faced in the DR Congo and how REDD+ may overcome them.
This documentary was made possible with support from Norad.
Snöball Film AS, Tollbugt. 8b, N-0152 Oslo, Norway.
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