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Michelle is a science communicator with an honours degree in neuroscience from the University of Melbourne, Australia. She has experience across many science communication platforms including magazines, radio, presenting (to students, policymakers and practitioners), corporate PR, academia and capacity building. She was formerly editor of Forests News and social media coordinator.
Oleh penulis
- 2 Okt 2011
Kata sambutan dari Frances Seymour, Direktur Jenderal Center for International Forestry Research
Akan ada trade-off dan kompromi yang memerlukan kepemimpinan pemerintah, bisnis, dan masyarakat untuk menentukan langkah maju.
- 28 Apr 2011
Pidato Presiden Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada Business for the Environment 2011 Global Summit
Presiden Indonesia menawarkan solusi transformatif menyelesaikan berbagai tantangan.