Tentang penulis
Maria Brockhaus is a senior scientist with the CIFOR's Forests and Governance programme. Her background is in agricultural economy and forest policy. In her research she focuses mainly on policy and institutional change and policy and social network analysis. Since 2009 she has been leading the research on national REDD+ strategies and policies in CIFOR's global comparative study (GCS-REDD+).
Oleh penulis
- 16 Sep 2016
Politik dalam REDD+, sulitnya mengatasi penyebab utama deforestasi
Meski berbagai negara mengembangkan konsep REDD+ secara independen, tantangan yang dihadapi umumnya serupa.
- 26 Nov 2013
Pertukaran ide-ide di Oslo menciptakan kemajuan bagi REDD+ di Warsawa
Para negosiator berada dalam posisi dilematis di tengah kebutuhan mengatasi beragam kesulitan sosial dan ekonomi.