Event Coverage

Muñoz-Dodero: Evidence-based land-use policy remains ‘an enormous challenge’

How can we engage the landscape approach in public policy?
, Sunday, 7 Dec 2014
Fabiola Muñoz-Dodero, Executive Director of the Peruvian National Forest and Wildlife Service: landscape decisions made by governments “look a bit different when they trickle down.”

LIMA, Peru–Making land-use policy decisions based on sound evidence is a fundamental part of public policy–and remains a fundamental challenge, according to a Peruvian environmental official.

Speaking on 6 December at the Global Landscapes Forum in Lima, Fabiola Muñoz-Dodero, the Executive Director of the Peruvian National Forest and Wildlife Service, said that even with the best available scientific evidence, landscape decisions made by governments “look a bit different when they trickle down.”

Watch Muñoz-Dodero’s speech, below.

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