Tentang penulis
Jan holds a PhD in agricultural sciences and has worked extensively on the design of development and conservation policies in the Amazon region. After his PhD he joined a group of ecologists at Munich University of Technology, where he studied optimal forest and grassland management approaches in South and Eastern Africa. In 2007 he moved back to the Amazon to coordinate regional research networks at the Amazon Initiative in Belém (Brazil). Since 2010, Jan is based at CIFOR's project office in Rio de Janeiro, where is work concentrates on the analysis of policies for Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).
Oleh penulis
- 13 Jan 2017
Seberapa efektif kebijakan konservasi melindungi hutan tropis?
Koleksi studi terbaru menganalisa mengapa beberapa inisiatif konservasi lebih unggul dari inisiatif lain-lain.
- 19 Nov 2012
Hutan atau pertanian: timbal balik yang belum tentu berlaku “ bagi semua atau tidak sama sekali”
Manfaat mencegah deforestasi dan melestarikan hutan harus dibandingkan dengan kemungkinan kerugian ekonomi mengorbankan pertanian.