Tentang penulis
Christine Padoch is an anthropologist and currently the Director of the Forests and Livelihoods Programme. She has spent more than 35 years carrying out research on smallholder patterns of forest management, agriculture, and agroforestry in the humid tropics, principally in Amazonia and Southeast Asia. She recently came to CIFOR from the New York Botanical Garden where she was the Matthew Calbraith Perry Curator of Economic Botany. Christine Padoch holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from Columbia University.
Oleh penulis
- 6 Agt 2012
Kedelai dan Hutan dalam Busur Deforestasi di Brasil: gencatan senjata sementara?
Sulit memperkirakan tekanan baru yang dibawa pembangunan ekonomi dan ledakan harga komoditas atas lahan hutan yang tersisa.