Tentang penulis
Bronwen joined CIFOR as a post-doctoral scientist in 2012. Her research focuses on the diverse ways biodiversity, forests and forest governance contribute to both local and global food security and nutrition. In the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania (the site of her PhD research), Bronwen examines how biodiversity from different land use types contributes to human diet and nutrition. In Morocco, she has explored how wild food plants and agricultural diversity contribute to dietary diversity and how markets pool local agricultural diversity so that it can contribute to dietary diversity.
Oleh penulis
- 10 Nov 2015
Ahli gizi membongkar mitos tentang hutan, ketahanan pangan dan nutrisi
Harus ada argumen kuat akan peran hutan dalam menyediakan pangan bernutrisi penting seperti buah, sayuran, termasuk ikan dan serangga !
- 12 Apr 2013
Hari Kesehatan Dunia 2013: Melawan malnutrisi dan infeksi bersama hutan
Sulit mengatasi malnutrisi tanpa kombinasi pengembangan pola makan dan pengurangan tingkat infeksi. Hutan bisa jadi jawaban.