Tentang penulis
Arnauld Chyngwa was the Communications Officer for CIFOR-ICRAF Cameroon. Holder of a Master's degree in Political Science at the University of Yaoundé II, and a Master’s degree in International Relations, specialized in International Communication and Public Action, obtained at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon. His professional experience is focused on communication in international development. He previously worked in the communication team of the Resident Coordinator Office of the United Nations System in Cameroon. He speaks both French and English.
Oleh penulis
- 5 Jan 2023
Keadaan Hutan di Afrika Tengah: Laporan Terbaru Menempatkan Ekosistem Hutan Kongo dalam Perspektif
Laporan 2021 tentang Keadaan Hutan Afrika Tengah diluncurkan pada Pertemuan ke-19 Para Pihak Kemitraan Hutan Lembah Kongo