Complex Answers to Complex Problems

, Friday, 27 Aug 2010



Elinor Ostrom, the 2009 Nobel Prize winner for economics, is spearheading an interdiscpilinary approach to forest conservation


By Angela Dewan

As CIFOR’s Director-General Frances Seymour pointed out on Tuesday in her keynote speech, there will often be case studies to prove one point, and other case studies to prove another. Scientists are pressured by decision-makers to come up with conclusive answers fast, putting at risk some of the word’s most vulnerable resources.

The complex issues of forestry will require a complex response, according to Elinor Ostrom, the 2009 Nobel Prize winner for Economics.

“There are no panaceas,” Ostrom said today in her keynote address.

“These are complex systems. Some people want to give up and say it’s too complex, but what we’re trying to do is dig in a look at complex nested systems so we understand them better over time.” (more…)

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