Event Coverage

Who is your ‘forest heroine’?

We want to know who goes above and beyond to help forests.
, Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014
The names of our heroines will be published on CIFOR’s Forests News blog on International Women’s Day.

BOGOR, Indonesia (12 February 2014) — Each year, International Women’s Day gives the world a chance to celebrate the achievements of women.

This year, we want to tell the stories of heroines who go above and beyond to help forests — and we need your help. Please tell us about your forest heroine and nominate her to be featured on Forests News.

Write either a brief summary (no more than 400 words in length) or submit a video or an audio recording (under three minutes long) about how your forest heroine makes a difference for forests. How does she benefit forests? What makes her special?

Please e-mail your story and a photograph of your nominated forest heroine to the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) by 1 March 2014.

Also provide contact information for you and your heroine, so that we can send out a notification before we publish our list of nominees.

The names of our heroines will be published on CIFOR’s Forests News blog on International Women’s Day.

Email cifor.blog@cgiar.org with “IWD Forest Heroine” in the subject line.

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Topic(s) :   Gender