Forest Management That Reflects Diversity

, Wednesday, 25 Aug 2010


Scientists say that non-timber forest products, like the Brazil nut, should be better integrated into forest management. Photo courtesy of J. Marconi

Scientists say that non-timber forest products, like the Brazil nut, should be better integrated into forest management. Photo courtesy of J. Marconi


By Angela Dewan

Earlier today, Verina Ingram of CIFOR, Cameroon, spoke about the overemphasis on timber in forest planning, resulting in a lack of planning for non-timber forest products, such as honey, rubber and nuts.

If the world wants to conserve forests and use land more economically, it is going to have to consider using the same land for more than one purpose.

Other researchers today confirmed Ingram’s observations and shared their case studies of multiple-purpose forest management (MPFM) in tropical forests. They all said that there was an enormous need for greater recognition of non-timber forest products and that there was strong will on the grassroots level to implement MPFM. (more…)

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