Effective multifunctional agroforestry and the sustainable use of biodiversity depend on robust collaboration among diverse stakeholders. Recognizing the importance of integrating local and transdisciplinary knowledge in a synergistic and mutually reinforcing manner, one of the key outcomes of the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)’s “Multifunctional Agroforestry for Enhanced Biodiversity, Improved Livelihood, and Resilient Landscapes in Ethiopian Highlands” project has been the establishment of a stakeholders’ platform. The initiative, implemented in collaboration with the Global Center on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) and funded by the UK Government, successfully created a platform in South Ethiopia—a region renowned for its rich tradition of agroforestry.
The traditional agroforestry practices in South Ethiopia face significant challenges, with population pressure and low agricultural productivity emerging as the primary issues. Addressing these challenges demands cross-sectoral collaboration. For instance, extension workers and health professionals need to enhance public awareness of birth control and improve access to contraceptives, while agricultural experts must support farmers in boosting yields. The stakeholder’s platform, established on 4 October 2024, unites these diverse to pursue shared objectives and drive sustainable development.

Gizatie Gijje making his opening speech. Photo by Eyob Getahun / CIFOR-ICRAF
Opening the meeting, Gizatie Gijje, Head of the South Region Forest, Environment Conservation and Development Bureau, highlighted the platform’s potential to address pressing environmental challenges such as drought and desertification, exacerbated by high unemployment and population growth. “The platform fosters collaboration among stakeholders to sustainably conserve the traditional Gedeo agroforestry system, a recognized United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Site,” Gijje said.
Aster Gebrekirstos, a global scientist and project coordinator at CIFOR-ICRAF, underlined the platform’s role in scaling up the Gedeo agroforestry system to other regions of Ethiopia and beyond. “We aim to address local challenges through integrated solutions facilitated by this stakeholder platform,” said Gebrekirstos.

Aster Gebrekirstos underlined the need for the platform. Photo by Eyob Getahun /CIFOR-ICRAF

Yoseph Maru during his presentation. Photo by Eyob Getahun / CIFOR-ICRAF
In his presentation, Yoseph Maru, deputy head of the South Region Forest, Environment Conservation and Development Bureau, outlined several challenges facing the Gedeo agroforestry system.
These include low market prices and limited access to organic products, lack of incentives for climate-smart practices such as agroforestry and the encroachment of exotic species threatening indigenous biodiversity. Inadequate funding for research and extension services, coupled with insufficient documentation of traditional knowledge, poses additional threats and difficulties in scaling up the Gedeo agroforestry system across the country. The youth, driven by aspirations for urban lifestyles and formal education, are migrating to cities, further weakening the traditional systems. Moreover, integrating indigenous tree species is inadequate, with existing nurseries focusing primarily on exotic varieties.
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